Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We're baaaaaaaack!

Sincere apologies for the lapse in blog entries! Between problems on the blogger site and crazy rescue life, not to mention softball and baseball season at our house, we've been slow to get the updates here, but you can always check out our available dogs at

Our most significant news is that our foster dog, Arlo, was hit by a truck with a horse trailer a couple weeks ago now. His leg was badly damaged with significant soft tissue injuries, but being a "lucky pup" and all, he had no fractures or other wounds such as head or internal injuries. He was at the emergency hospital for 5 days and now that he's home he has wound care and dressing changes every two days. His vet bills are in the multiple thousands of dollars at this point, a significant strain on the rescue. If you can help out in any way we need you! Adoption of a pet, fostering, financial donations, and fundraising ideas are all welcome!
Here is a picture of our sweet boy. He's been a trouper through it all; he even lets them change the bandages with no sedation at this point. He is a love, and a great dog! He's had a long road, and this makes it even longer and more stressful! Thank you to everyone who has helped along the way, whether it's with your money, your moral support, or prayers for his recovery.
