Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Larry (now Ziggy) Adopted November 2008 - his brothers were Moe and Curly
 Larry (now Ziggy) is spoiled to the bone. With three teenagers worshipping him, he waits by the Mudroom door for their arrival home every day and I know he wishes for just one ride on the school bus to see what the fuss is about.There is a bit of a tease in him as he loves to belly down, crawl with his front legs while dragging his behind, right in front of the llama (as if a sneaky coyote). The llama hates him as all llamas hate dogs. I think Ziggy glories in this, having the run of the yard and the closeness of his humans.

Healthy, happy and never a thought that he lived anywhere else, Ziggy is the perfect family dog.

~Jeron, January 2012

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